Phone free lunch
Phone free lunch

There has been a lot of talk in the media lately of banning mobile phones in schools. Here at St Luke’s, we haven’t banned phones altogether, but rather, are very conscious of the role they play in our lives and learning.

Mobile phones are never the Number 1 go-to source for information; students (and staff) have laptops and iPads for that. But there may be times when mobile phones are an appropriate tool to support the learning of students.

At these times, and only with permission from the teachers, students are allowed to use their mobile phones in class. But what happens when it comes to recess and lunch?

Mr Miller recently spoke to all students in the School of Leadership and said “It will be a very sad day when I walk out into the playground and see people looking at their phones instead of talking and interacting with each other”.

For this reason, students are not permitted to have their phones out at any time outside of class. Staff at the College have taken this matter so seriously, that they themselves have stopped bringing their phones to the staff lunchroom at recess and lunchtime. The staffroom is ringing with conversation and laughter and not the dings and buzzes of devices.

In a world where everything is so digitally connected, we believe it is important to foster social and emotional connections to the people around us. So students, staff and parents, put your phones away when you can and don’t forget to LOOK UP!


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St Luke's Catholic College Marsden Park

St Luke's Catholic College Marsden Park

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