PLW 12 June

This week we hosted our first ever Parent Learning Walk at the College. Parent Learning Walks are hosted for current parents in groups up to 15.

They are led by a senior leader of the College who are sometimes accompanied by a teacher.

The purpose of Parent Learning Walks is to provide insights into high quality teaching that impacts on student learning. Parents are first briefed as to what they can expect to see in the classroom and then they head off to a particular Learning Space - walks focus on either the School of Foundations or the School of Leadership.

Following their observations, they reconvene with the ‘tour guide’ (a member of the Leadership Team) to discuss what they have seen and to ask any questions they may have.

And so it was with great excitement that we welcomed our first group of parents to participate. Everyone enjoyed the experience and their feedback was very positive.

One parent commented “The best part for me was to see my son in his environment and how classrooms are managed by your dedicated teachers.”

while another said “I also liked the support of 3 teachers to one class. I saw them taking their time teaching to big groups, small groups as well as one-on-one.”

Thanks to the parents who attended and to those who are booked in to the walks still to come this term.

We will endeavour to continue running Parent Learning Walks into the future and we look forward to welcoming many parents into the College to get a look at the teaching and learning that is happening every day.


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St Luke's Catholic College Marsden Park

St Luke's Catholic College Marsden Park

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