

This term in Stage Two students have been making their learning connect. In most of their learning areas they have completed activities that link with their Inquiry Unit, “Who does Australia really belong to?”

In English, they have written convict newspapers and diary entries from a convict perspective. They have created advertisements to sell famous Australian products and iMovies containing clever jingles, including a talking Tim Tam!

In Maths, they measured if the ships of the First Fleet would fit into our school playground and created a First Settlers colony using square metres. They also measured out convict rations.

Stage 2 students have been looking at different aspects of Australian culture, learning about Aboriginal culture, convicts, Free Settlers and Soldiers and they wrote their own Inquiry question in an area of interest.

Finally, the students went on an excursion to the Rocks Discovery Museum and the Museum of Sydney to gather more information about Australia’s first contacts.



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St Luke's Catholic College Marsden Park

St Luke's Catholic College Marsden Park

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