Let them go

For a child to become an autonomous, self-directed learner, they need to confidently manage themselves by doing things for themselves in a way which accelerates a positive sense of self.

We know that independence contributes to the development of self-esteem, identity and wellbeing.

Research informs us, “Independence contributes to the development of self-esteem, identity and wellbeing. Doing something for yourself produces a powerful sense of achievement and success.

When children have opportunities to make choices, to attempt tasks for themselves, and to take on increasing responsibilities, their sense of themselves as competent members of society grows.” NQS PLP (2013).

For the 2019 school year, we have developed stage appropriate abilities to reflect their growing independence. These include milestones like a CELC student being able to eat independently, a Kindergarten child being able to walk into school independently, a Stage 1 student being able to use a student diary, a Stage 2 student to be able to make and pack their own lunch and Stage 3 and 4 students to take responsibility for self-paced learning.

We are looking forward to partnering with parents with this most important focus throughout this year.


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St Luke's Catholic College Marsden Park

St Luke's Catholic College Marsden Park

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