Educating for the future
The learning journey at St Luke's honours the developmental stages in a student’s life. Based on leading educational research and the best of today’s technologies, we prepare students for the future by teaching them them how to know themselves, their strengths, interests and motivations, and, with an understanding of themselves, use our 6 Pillars of Learning to:
- witness in the way of Christ
- relate to others
- manage themselves
- inquire curiously
- think critically
- create solutions.
Educating for the future

Students at this stage of development are primed to make connections of concepts, knowledge and skills across different subject areas.
In Years 5-8 (10 to 14 year olds) we support each child to refine and master the social and emotional skills and literacy and numeracy skills encountered in earlier years.
The curriculum focuses on each student developing leadership skills.
With an ongoing release of responsibility for learning being transferred from teacher to student, each student learns to work collaboratively as an effective communicator and creative problem solver.

1:1 technology ensures an increased focus on digital literacy and presentation skills.
Students access physical and virtual learning spaces which further develop their imagination and creativity through visible thinking. This supports each student’s ability to work for extended periods of time on interdisciplinary projects which respond to authentic problems and complex questions which are relevant to the real world.
We believe every student should have an opportunity to discover his or her passion, and by Year 7 each student will work each with a Post School Pathways Advisor to help them understand their interests and aptitudes - ‘Who I Am’ - as part of our student coaching program. This assists each student develop a deep understanding of themselves, their natures and their strengths, both as a person and as a learner.
Learners become creative critical thinkers through personalised and accelerated programs. Learners become connected and communicate through real-life experiences. Through this learning journey they soon discover how awesome they can be.
Discover the 4 stages of learning
The School of Early Learning
The School of Foundations
The School of Leadership
The School of Entrepreneurs